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From: Sharyn Bovat <sharynbovat@icloud.com>Subject: HR Comp Issue and President of the US Chamber VERY Conneced to Haslam (Past President of Trucking Association).... Mark Silverman KNEW a Person the STALKED Me Connected to Trucking Association from Florida... I Have the Day & Time that i Told Him... He Told Me They We're Linked to HALEY BARBOUR....Date: June 18, 2014 at 10:08:15 AM CDTTo: "knoxville@ic.fbi.gov" <knoxville@ic.fbi.gov>, "janderton@knoxvillechamber.com" <janderton@knoxvillechamber.com>, "grogers@knoxvillechamber.com" <grogers@knoxvillechamber.com>, "dminter@knoxvillechamber.com" <dminter@knoxvillechamber.com>, "aadkins@knoxvillechamber.com" <aadkins@knoxvillechamber.com>, "cjohnson@knoxvillechamber.com" <cjohnson@knoxvillechamber.com>, memphis@ic.fbi.gov, "rrice@knoxvillechamber.com" <rrice@knoxvillechamber.com>, "medwards@knoxvillechamber.com" <medwards@knoxvillechamber.com>, "tom.ingram@ingramgroup.com" <tom.ingram@ingramgroup.com>, "press@uschamber.com" <press@uschamber.com>, "rtowle@uschamber.com" <rtowle@uschamber.com>, "southasia@uschamber.com" <southasia@uschamber.com>, "kchoksy@uschamber.com" <kchoksy@uschamber.com>, "pchase@uschamber.com" <pchase@uschamber.com>, "mchorlins@uschamber.com" <mchorlins@uschamber.com>, "Andrea@hrcomp.com" <Andrea@hrcomp.com>, "amybaker@hrcomp.com" <amybaker@hrcomp.com>, "Angie@hrcomp.com" <Angie@hrcomp.com>, "Brian@hrcomp.com" <Brian@hrcomp.com>, "mike@hrcomp.com" <mike@hrcomp.com>, "Sandra@hrcomp.com" <Sandra@hrcomp.com>, "susan@hrcomp.com" <susan@hrcomp.com>, "michael@hrcomp.com" <michael@hrcomp.com>
Lets hope the FBI “does something”…. Did you see what the Treasury lawyers did… I was told docs showing HOWARD BAKER linked to 79 Khomeini deal “might be hidden”… My Daly former owner of World Airways (most likely bio dad) said “we don’t get the French involved unless we want to make it complicated”… I already told the Feds my family was part of the “Get Rid of Carter” deal… it was so fired CIA and MIC contractors could have work with the NEW republican president and HOWARD BAKER “most likely” did it so he could be PRESIDENT in 1980… I’m mad cause people linked to Howard Baker murdered Sonny Bono and Margaret Lesher… Joe Arpaio is part of the “network” and lets people linked to CIA drug trafficing walk but young black & hispanic boys caught with a joint go to jail for decades. The GOP is NEVER gonna regain it’s standing if they don’t “change”….. Gannett won’t report ALL the abuses of Joe Arpaio cause their in the network… I’ve been tracking stories and several times that sleazy sherif could have lost re-election but the Gannett paper does NOT cover the campaigns… don’t worry if he runs again I’m sure the “underground” that got rid of Cantor will work it’s magic….
Iran was the target of a U.S. embargo after the 1979 Islamic revolution, but its oil became subject to an EU embargo only in 2012 as part of Western efforts to persuade Tehran to abandon its nuclear program me. ….Although China was and remains the main importer of crude from Sudan, BNP also provided trade finance to major global trading houses such as Trafigura and Vitol (Mike Loya of Vitol is on the board of Pilot Flying J) , which were also involved in trading Sudanese oil at the time.Yes! In my last comment that I posted on Knoxville News I did complain that the US chamber is trying to destroy the Democratic party and to clarify I'm a republican who believes in a 2 party system … Sometimes my “rants” don’t come out the way I’d like… but it’s obvious the Chamber in Knoxville is CORRUPT….
sharynbovat#1423694 writes:
Have a Great Day..
We have always known there has been corruption in reporting since Benjamin Franklin started his press to determine the results of the elections in the 1700’s. The has been said to be the 4th unelected part of government whose job is to prevent a takeover by the government. When they fail to do their job or become bias we are as close to a dictatorship as we can get. KSN / Jim Balloch, you have a duty to follow-up on this story with as much thought toward fair reporting as you did to put HRcomp’s story out there for them to make Andrea Rudd look like the victim. The victims are those who paid her good money thinking they had insurance, their taxes were being paid and other services were being provided for their employees and their families. This company in addition to theft of tax-payer money ($3.5M) is corrupt in so many other ways. Mark Field, the VP of the Knoxville Chamber can attest to this. Ask him about his personal involvement in this crooked business? Then you have the President of the US Chamber who was the President of the Trucking Association. Yes, the same US Chamber who is spending over $1B per year to do away with the Democrat party and run a one-party system starting with the Chamber’s president’s best friend Bill Haslam and the Haslam administration. Yes, HRcomp Employee Leasing is only the crack in the dam.
KNS, it is time for you to get some integrity and a backbone and stop with the partisan corrupt one-sided reporting. Half of a lie is still a whole lie.